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SkillsUSA Participates in Education Dialogue Between U.S. and China

Published: November 05, 2018
Image for SkillsUSA Participates in Education Dialogue Between U.S. and China
On October 31, SkillsUSA executive director Tim Lawrence participated in the 4th U.S.-China State and Provincial Education Leaders Dialogue: Technical and Vocational Education and Training. The meeting gathered officials from the U.S. Department of Education and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, U.S. State and Chinese Provincial Education Chiefs, and career and technical education (CTE/TVET) directors and providers. The dialogue included a focus on national, and state and provincial CTE/TVET policies and work-based learning and industry partnerships. Secretary of Education Betsey DeVos opened the event and referenced the importance of these people-to-people learning exchanges, and the connection between a country’s education system and the economy, especially in our global society. New OCTAE Assistant Secretary Scott Stump reinforced messages related to the importance of business and education partnerships and the new Perkins V. The two-day event included much sharing about education systems in each nation, as well as tours of Northern Virginia Community College and Montgomery College programs.

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