Technical Standards

Learn the Rules to Earn the Gold

SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards

The SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards are the official rules and guides for each competition that’s part of the SkillsUSA Championships. A competition’s technical standards include an overview of the competition, lists of technical skills and knowledge required, clothing requirements, equipment lists and more. The embedded academic skills in math, English and science are also included for each competition.

Rules for state and local events may vary from the national guidelines, but most state competitive events are modeled after the national technical standards. As a free membership benefit, SkillsUSA professional members (our instructors and advisors) receive the current SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards for all of our official competitions when they have submitted a current and accurate email address with their membership details.

How to Access Technical Standards

Preparation for the SkillsUSA Championships begins with the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards. These are the official rules and regulations for each competition, and they are included as a benefit of professional membership. In addition to the rules for all national competitions, the standards include an overview, lists of technical skills and knowledge required, clothing requirement, and eligibility and equipment lists. 

To access the Technical Standards, advisors can navigate to SkillsUSA Absorb.

Not yet a professional member? Learn how to join and why.

Competition Resources

  • SkillsUSA Championships General Regulations: This document features general rules and regulations pertaining to all competitions in the SkillsUSA Championships, instructions for technical committees, clothing classifications and much more. The general regulations are a must for those preparing to compete.
  • SkillsUSA Championships Official Operating Policies: Everything about how the SkillsUSA Championships are structured, operated, supported and more.
  • Competition Clothing Classifications: This information is also featured in the General Regulations, but it’s included here as separate file. This document lists the official clothing requirements for clothing classification. Not following these rules will result in penalties, so make sure you and your students know them before competing.
  • National Education Team Policy: This document features information on the roles and responsibilities for National Education Team (NET) members and processes for nominating members or applying to serve. NET members assist the national technical committees in managing the SkillsUSA Championships.

National competitors put in the hours to master their craft and hone their skills to earn the honor of representing their state at the National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC). Visit our National Competitor Checklist webpage to learn more about pre-conference requirements for the competitions held at the SkillsUSA NLSC. You can explore the pre-conference requirement details as well as a timeline for action items that national competitors will need to complete prior to arriving in Atlanta. The SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards for specific competitions are revised and distributed each fall. There are times when competition updates need to be shared prior to the national conference. It’s important to check the Competition Updates webpage often to ensure that you are prepared for the national competition.

Note: Rules for state and local events may vary from the national guidelines, but most state competitive events are modeled after the national technical standards. While we provide some resources related to state and local SkillsUSA competitions and events, it’s important to remember that these events are managed by each respective state or territorial associations, not by the national office. For other questions related to your state or local event, visit your SkillsUSA association website or reach out directly to your association director.

Keys to Success: National Competitor Checklist

  1. Review the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards (see video above for instructions on how to access)
  2. Complete Required Online Submission(s)
  3. Complete Your Online Test(s)
  4. Check for Competition Updates

National Competitor Online Submission and Testing Timeline:

  • May 21: National competitor test credential emails will be sent. Competitor email address entered in registration MUST be accessible year-round.
  • May 22:  June 6: National competitor online submission and testing window
  • June 6: Deadline for national competitors to complete applicable online submission and test(s) – 5 p.m. ET