On Tuesday, March 26, the Senate CTE Caucus hosted a reception at the Dirksen Senate Office Building for Members of Congress and their staffs, titled “CTE Success: Student Leaders in Action”. The reception tied into ACTE’s National Policy Seminar and was attended by Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Todd Young (R-IN), who both made remarks pro cv . ACTE coordinated the reception and all the CTSOs participated. National officers Preston Prince and Ula Uluiviti were at the SkillsUSA table to network and Preston made brief remarks. Also attending were SkillsUSA executive director Tim Lawrence, Courtney Ferrell and Hayley Uffelman.
As a special membership incentive, instructors who register at least 15 student members in one technical program plus one or more professionals by November 15 will receive a free SkillsUSA resource.
A total of 51 SkillsUSA state association leaders gathered in Fort Worth, Texas last week for their annual State Directors Association (SDA) professional conference.