Centuri Group, Inc., Supports SkillsUSA to Champion Workforce Development, Help Close Skills Gap

Published: January 21, 2021
Image for Centuri Group, Inc., Supports SkillsUSA to Champion Workforce Development, Help Close Skills Gap

Assists Students to Train and Demonstrate their Skills

Leesburg, Va. — Centuri Group, Inc., has announced support for SkillsUSA, a national nonprofit focused on workforce development. The 2021 sponsorship will also support several national programs that help SkillsUSA instructors and their students become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. Thanks to Centuri’s partnership, SkillsUSA will receive support for valuable programs which benefit students and teachers. “Centuri is stepping up to support America’s future skilled workforce,” said SkillsUSA’s executive director Chelle Travis. “Our students deserve this opportunity to receive useful leadership training and showcase their technical skills. As a verified talent pipeline and skills gap solution, SkillsUSA graduates 100,000 students each year who complete their technical program and are career ready. We could not deliver our mission without Centuri’s support.” “Partnering with SkillsUSA is a win-win for us,” said Centuri’s Rishona Harris, Director of Talent Acquisition and Development. “It allows us to create awareness for career opportunities available to skilled workers in the utility construction industry while promoting development of the next generation of our workforce. We’re proud to support the mission of SkillsUSA and the students it serves.” At the virtual SkillsUSA Championships, state gold medalists who advanced to national competition will be tested in 106 leadership and hands-on occupational skills contests, the majority of which are STEM-focused. Competitions are as diverse as Carpentry, Electrical Construction Wiring, Cybersecurity, Automated Manufacturing Technology, Graphic Communications, Mobile Electronics Installation, Information Technology Services and Medical Assisting. Competitions are planned by industry to its standards for entry-level workers. For more about this year’s virtual National Leadership and Skills Conference and the SkillsUSA Championships, go to: www.skillsusa.org/events-training/national-leadership-and-skills-conference/ and to www.skillsusa.org/competitions/skillsusa-championships/.

About SkillsUSA

SkillsUSA is a nonprofit partnership of education and industry founded in 1965 to strengthen our nation’s skilled workforce. Driven by employer demand, SkillsUSA helps students develop necessary personal and workplace skills along with technical skills grounded in academics. This SkillsUSA Framework empowers every student to succeed at work and in life, while helping to close the skills gap in which millions of positions go unfilled. Through SkillsUSA’s championships program and curricula, employers have ensured schools are teaching relevant technical skills, and with SkillsUSA’s new credentialing process, they can now assess how ready potential employees are for the job. SkillsUSA has more than 372,000 annual members nationwide in high schools, middle schools and colleges, covering over 130 trade, technical and skilled service occupations, and is recognized by the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor as integral to career and technical education. With the addition of our alumni, membership last year was 434,141. SkillsUSA receives in-kind and financial support from more than 650 national partners. We have served more than 13.6 million members since 1965. For more information: www.skillsusa.org.

About Centuri

Centuri, headquartered in Phoenix, Ariz., is a comprehensive utility infrastructure services enterprise dedicated to delivering a diverse array of solutions to North America’s gas and electric providers. Through sound investment, shared services, and an unwavering commitment to the safety of our employees and the communities we serve, Centuri supports the performance of its operating companies across the U.S. and Canada. Centuri is a subsidiary of Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc. For more information: www.NextCenturi.com.
SkillsUSA Contacts
Jane Short or Karen Kitzel, SkillsUSA 703-777-8810 jshort@skillsusa.org or kkitzel@skillsusa.org

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