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He Fosters Dignity Among Kids

Published: September 10, 2014
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In 2012, Alex St. Pierre and his mother started an organization to provide backpacks to foster children in transition. Known as Bags of Dignity, it collects these backpacks and fills them with personal items.

As a member of a host family, St. Pierre was inspired to take action after watching foster children arrive with what little they had stored in trash bags. 

A graduate of Regional Career and Technical Center at Coventry (R.I.) High School, St. Pierre has enlisted the help of local businesses to serve as drop-off sites for the backpacks. Working with the state’s Department of Children, Youth and Families, the organization has collected nearly 600 backpacks to date. 

To learn more about St. Pierre’s project, visit: or follow Bags of Dignity on Facebook.

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